
In game items to complete your quest.

As you progress through the story of King Cold, you will be presented with decisions to make and items to collect along the way.

On your journey, you will need to collect items and relics to progress. You will need to explore all aspects of the game to collect the required items and relics. These items and relics will enable you to cast spells and perform summoning rituals.

As the story begins, you discover you have brought nothing but your briefcase. Don't forget it, it is important to you.

A briefcase is required to play the game.

You will need an apple to get through certain gates.

Based on your decisions, you may also be presented with a key. This key will allow you to claim your offerings.

Item skins are cosmetic in nature.

If an item's ability is shown to be overpowered in comparison to other items or is used to cast spells that are not in the best interest of the community, we will nerf said item.

Last updated